
I have taken a lead role in managing, quality-controlling, preprocessing, analyzing, and visualizing neuroimaging data for multiple research projects. I also write scripts to improve image processing pipelines.

Here’s a summary of my experience with neuroimaging data:

  • Years of Experience: 5+ years

  • Image Type: MRI, EEG, MEG

  • MRI Modality: T1, Resting-state & Task-based Functional MRI (fMRI), Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), and Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL)

  • Container/Pipeline: FreeSurfer, MRIQC, fMRIPrep, QSIPrep, ASLPrep, FieldTrip Toolbox, OPPNI

  • Language: Python, MATLAB, R, Shell Scripting (Bash)

  • File Type: DICOM, NIfTI, BDF, JSON

  • Related Tools: Datalad, Slurm, XNAT, GitHub, BIDS

  • Qualification: Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Biomedical Engineering (University of Toronto, β€˜20)
